Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Films about Gun Violence

Ed note: We at TLA are generally well-read and politically active. While the recent massacre at Virginia Tech pales in comparison to the casualties of the ongoing war in Iraq, it nonetheless hit very close to home for many of us. Naturally, talk turned to gun violence and gun control. Did the bans on assault weapons prevent this massacre from being worse? Would a total ban on guns have prevented it from happening? Or would prohibition made Cho go to the black market, where automatic weapons would have been available? We're further conflicted by our living and working in Philadelphia, an anti-gun city in a pro-gun state.

Below, we're re-running our reviews of the most notable films to tackle these issues. We've received emails asking about the availability of similar movies, so interest is running high, though we doubt (given the NRA's still-massive power) that this dialogue will lead to significant political action. As always, the views expressed are those of the respective authors and do not reflect TLA Entertainment group or its employees. All four films below are still available for rent or sale on DVD everywhere.

© TLA Entertainment Group

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